Fine art Nude Collection- Shaun Alexander Photography CR 2013 (21)Fine art Nude Collection- Shaun Alexander Photography CR 2013 (22)fine art nude photography workshops
Strictly for personal use such as headshots, modeling portfolios or family portraits. For commercial photo shoots please call us with your project’s details and budget!
Most likely you are either looking for a great Modeling Portfolio / Headshot Photographer or wondering how to go about making a professional modeling portfolio or acting headshots Luckily this is the end of your search for the Best Portfolio and Headshot Photographer in Los Angles or even in the country. Shaun’s striking images have launched 1000’s of models and actors career, not only in Los Angeles or Hollywood but all around the world. His extensive work as a professional photographer for decades with almost all the top international modeling agencies worldwide have gained him much respect and the recognition by his peers in the fashion and modeling industry. His signature photography style combined with his decades of experience have placed him on the short list of the best fashion photographers in the U.S. and globally. His unique and easily recognizable style in shooting models and actors is what most reputable modeling and talent agencies are looking for in a portfolio or a headshot Creating highly styled natural, beautiful images without much retouching is the key to any great portfolio or a headshot and that’s what separate Shaun’s work from the rest His modeling portfolio work is unlike any other photographers you have ever seen, Shaun’s warm and friendly personality puts all his subjects at ease immediately, young or old, experienced or not, he has the ability to bring out the best in his subjects by helping them to be more at ease and relaxed, therefore creating much more personable images. As seen in all his work
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This is an example of a lingerie shoot with a beautiful glamour model through the eyes of a fashion photographer like Shaun Alexander.
For years Shaun has been shooting some of the most exciting fashion and glamour layouts for many catalog companies, magazines and advertising campaigns, but Shaun’s love for female beauty and this sexy lingerie by Victoria’s Secretinspired him for this shoot at one of Shaun’s latest Photography workshops with a very talented Photographer from France: Sylvie Drion-Halbin