Beauty Photography workshops
After decades of beauty photography in the fashion industry, Shaun Alexander is known not only known for his highly creative fashion photography but his beauty shots sets him apart from any other top beauty photographer in the world!
His color palettes are compared to Matisse, Renoir and a few other master painters. Shaun’s vision of beauty goes beyond just another pretty shot on the cover of a magazine, but his iconic and timeless images take the viewer on a fantastic journey!
If you are in search of a beauty photographer in Los Angeles, New York, London , Prague , Paris or Rome, Shaun’s portfolio will stop anyone on their tracks. Shaun’s group beauty photography workshops are also one of the most phenomenal beauty photography workshops in the World! Offering his students over 3 decades of know how and mastery that can only be experienced first hand in his Private beauty photography workshops as well
Beauty Photography by Top Vogue Fashion Photographer Shaun Alexander