Los Angeles Modeling Portfolio Photographers
Los Angeles Modeling Portfolio Photographers

Not all modeling portfolios are created equally!
All models and actors should remember that one great image can be the start of a new career and one bad image can be the end of their dreams of becoming a top professional model or actress.
Therefore it is important for the new faces , models or  actors to chose the right head shot or modeling portfolio photographer for the task.
Just remember this ” Most casting directors and agents judge by your worst image and not your best” eliminating those bad images from your portfolio can only mean lesser rejections and adding better images to your portfolio can only mean more opportunities.
The First Impression! Don’t ruin your chances with some mediocre shots you got from a TFP gig
We all get what we pay for, and trust me one way or another somebody is going to pay for our mistakes, let that be not you
Wasting time with free and mediocre images can eventually cost you  much more than a day rate with a professional photographer that can help you land your next magazine cover , an ad campaign or your next modeling agency or agent
This shots are a great example of a modeling portfolio update for a professional model.The top row is what most agencies want to see and it is called the ” POLAROIDS ”Â
an industry term for completely natural untouched images of a model with not much make up, to demonstrate her facial features, body, posture etc…
and the ones below the Polaroids, were done in a day shoot with a help of a great hair stylist and fashion stylist
If you have any more questions about how to create a better modeling portfolio , headshots or wish to update your current portfolio  please do not hesitate to contact our studio at info@shaunalexander.net or call us at 310 213 7700